Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Anticipating Easter and Primavera

 Our next "innings" is scheduled for Tuesday 30 April 2021.

The subject is Anticipating Easter and Primavera. As well as being a Christian festival, Easter is believed to have roots in pagan times and possibly named after Eostre, a Celtic goddess. Easter Sunday is actually on April 4th so we can get our "anticipation" pictures in for publication on the blog before Easter.

This year of course we are coming up to the easing of lockdown restrictions so we have a lot to look forward to, once Spring comes.

Don't forget Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, chocolate and hot cross buns on Good Friday.

Primavera is of course Italian for Spring. Don't forget Botticello's Primavera and of course Hockney's "The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate." This was at the Royal Academy in 2011. Hockney has another current exhibition on the coming of Spring in Normandy.

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For April we are planning a socially distanced outing but with a stay at home option.

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