Monday 10 February 2020

Tuesday 3rd March: Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, SE1 9DA

On Tuesday 3rd March we are going to make our first visit to Southwark Cathedral, that well-known landmark close to London Bridge Station. Southwark Cathedral is of mixed ages, from 1100 onwards, but everything hangs together in a gothic style. There are forests of pillars, various carved screens and porticos, assorted funerary statuary and monuments, and stained glass. We will find that there are all sorts of unexpected treasures to sketch. The Cathedral, despite being incredibly close to a railway viaduct, has a small herb garden and some outside space and people might want to sketch outside. More details here:

We will meet at 11 o'clock as usual, we suggest that people go into the main body of the cathedral where we should all be visible at the start. The Cathedral Office have asked us to be mindful of and work around a couple of school groups which are booked in throughout the day, and also of private worship in the Harvard Chapel and midday prayer and Communion (not sure where this takes place). We have said that we are happy to put contributions into the donations box, as there is no entry charge, so please would you remember to bring something appropriate.

There is a cafe where we will have lunch, and it also appears that on Tuesdays in the afternoon they have a free concert(with retiring collection), so we may also get some music and musicians.

Directions can be found here:

As usual, we suggest that you bring your sketching stools so that you have every choice for your composition. We look forward to a happy and successful day of art in the Cathedral. Sue's telephone number for the day is:07975 864142.