Saturday, 28 January 2017

The next sketching outing is on Tuesday 21 February

The February outing is on Tuesday 21 February at 11am to the Wellcome Collection at 183 Euston Road NW1 2BE. It is near Euston Square and Warren Street underground stations. The Wellcome Collection describes itself as 'The free destination for the incurably curious' and has free exhibitions, scientific collections, a reading/hangout room, café and loos.

We are booked in as a group for two hours from 11am, reference number 40238. I would expect that we would be allowed to stay longer than this if we wanted, and we usually break for lunch at 1pm anyway. I'll book us in from the information desk at 11am anyway. The Wellcome Collection asks that we stick to dry materials only.

Janet's number for the day is 07815 772857. Janet has drawn there in the past and it is a good destination with lots of possibilities.

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