Wednesday, 10 November 2021

St Mary Aldermary 14 December 21

Our next outing is to St Mary Aldermary, Watling St, London EC4M 9BW. Meet at 11 am, but the church is open and they are expecting us.

Nearest tubes are Mansion House, St Paul's, and Bank. Useful buses are 4, 21, 76, 141 but do check the most convenient route for you.

This is one of the Wren City Churches and is, unusually for Wren, in the Gothic style. The plasterwork on the ceilings is amazing. St Mary Aldermary's Wikipedia page is very informative.

The Church is currently home to the Moot Community who follow the Anglican monastic tradition.

There is a cafe with coffee and cakes and loos. The Church and cafe ask only that we patronise the cafe for our coffees and don't occupy the cafe seats to sketch at the expense of paying punters. There are plenty of pews!

Late arrivals from The Union Chapel but well worth waiting for:

From Sara Meidan

From Janet Perkins

Monday, 8 November 2021

Union Chapel Images Nov 21

We did manage to get inside the Union Chapel, so thank you Brett Pracownik for your help. Most artists took the opportunity of staying inside the chapel but some chose the stunning view from outside.

What an amazing building, both inside and outside.

There were about a dozen of us there and if I have missed anyone off please send me your work to and I can post it on the next posting.

We will be moving to ventilated large indoor spaces now the weather is colder, suggestions to me or Sue.

The next outing is to St Mary Aldermary in the City, on Tuesday 14 December, more details in the next post, but save the date.

Meanwhile our drawings from the Union Chapel

From Alison Gardiner

Daniel Lloyd Morgan

Diane Umemoto

Janet Payne

Lindsay Topping

Maggie Pettigrew

Phoenix Wong

From Sue Lees

From Gill Steiner

From Tricia Sharpe

From Avis Dennis